Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario Regulation 213/91

Started by Admin, August 09, 2007, 09:51:38 PM

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   78.  (1)  A ladder shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as not to endanger a worker and shall be capable of withstanding all loads to which it may be subjected.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 78 (1).
   (2)  A ladder,
   (a)   shall be free from defective or loose rungs;
   (b)   shall have rungs spaced at 300 millimetres on centres;
   (c)   shall have side rails at least 300 millimetres apart;
   (d)   shall be placed on a firm footing; and
   (e)   shall be situated so that its base is not less than one-quarter, and not more than one-third, of the length of the ladder from a point directly below the top of the ladder and at the same level as the base of the ladder, if the ladder is not securely fastened.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 78 (2).
   (3)  The maximum length of a ladder measured along its side rail shall not be more than,
   (a)   five metres for a trestle ladder or for each of the base and extension sections of an extension trestle ladder;
   (b)   six metres for a step-ladder;
   (c)   nine metres for a single ladder or an individual section of a ladder;
   (d)   fifteen metres for an extension ladder with two sections; and
   (e)   twenty metres for an extension ladder with more than two sections.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 78 (3).
   (4)  No ladder shall be lashed to another ladder to increase its length.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 78 (4).
   (5)  In this section,
"extension trestle ladder" means a combination of a trestle ladder and a vertically-adjustable single ladder with a suitable means of securely locking the ladders together.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 78 (5).
   79.  No ladder shall be present in an elevator shaft or a similar hoisting area when the shaft or area is being used for hoisting.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 79.
   80.  A ladder used as a regular means of access between levels of a structure,
   (a)   shall extend at the upper level at least 900 millimetres above the landing or floor;
   (b)   shall have a clear space of at least 150 millimetres behind every rung;
   (c)   shall be located so that an adequate landing surface that is clear of obstructions is available at the top and bottom of the ladder; and
   (d)   shall be secured at the top and bottom to prevent movement.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 80.
   81.  (1)  A wooden ladder,
   (a)   shall be made of wood that is straight-grained and free of loose knots, sharp edges, splinters and shakes; and
   (b)   shall not be painted or coated with an opaque material.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 81 (1).
   (2)  The side rails of a wooden ladder of the cleat type,
   (a)   shall be not less than 400 millimetres and not more than 610 millimetres apart; and
   (b)   shall measure not less than,
   (i)   thirty-eight millimetres by eighty-nine millimetres if the ladder is 5.8 metres or less long, or
   (ii)   thirty-eight millimetres by 140 millimetres if the ladder is more than 5.8 metres long.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 81 (2).
   (3)  The rungs of a wooden ladder of the cleat type,
   (a)   shall measure not less than,
   (i)   nineteen millimetres by sixty-four millimetres if the side rails are 400 millimetres apart, or
   (ii)   nineteen millimetres by eighty-nine millimetres if the side rails are more than 400 millimetres and not more than 610 millimetres apart; and
   (b)   shall be braced by filler blocks that are nineteen millimetres thick and are located between the rungs.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 81 (3).
   82.  A double-width wooden ladder,
   (a)   shall have three evenly-spaced rails that measure at least thirty-eight millimetres by 140 millimetres;
   (b)   shall have rungs that,
   (i)   measure at least thirty-eight millimetres by eighty-nine millimetres,
   (ii)   extend the full width of the ladder, and
   (iii)   are braced by filler blocks that are at least 19 millimetres thick; and
   (c)   shall not be less than 1.5 metres wide and not more than two metres wide.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 82.
   83.  (1)  When a step-ladder is being used as a self-supporting unit, its legs shall be fully-spread and its spreader shall be locked.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 83 (1).
   (2)  No worker shall stand on the top of or the pail shelf of a step-ladder.  O. Reg. 213/91, s. 83 (2).
   84.  (1)  Subject to subsection (2), an access ladder fixed in position,
   (a)   shall be vertical;
   (b)   shall have rest platforms at not more than nine metre intervals;
   (c)   shall be offset at each rest platform;
   (d)   where the ladder extends over three metres above grade, floor or landing, shall have a safety cage commencing not more than 2.2 metres above grade, floor or landing and continuing at least 90 centimetres above the top landing with openings to permit access by a worker to rest platforms or to the top landing;
   (e)   shall have side rails that extend 90 centimetres above the landing; and
   (f)   shall have rungs that are at least 15 centimetres from the wall and spaced at regular intervals.  O. Reg. 631/94, s. 2.
   (2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to an access ladder on a tower, water tank, chimney or similar structure that has a safety device that will provide protection should a worker using the ladder fall.  O. Reg. 631/94, s. 2.
   85., 86.  REVOKED:  O. Reg. 145/00, s. 24.