Elevator Room Ventilation Notes for HVAC

Started by Rustymike, January 02, 2012, 08:22:13 PM

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 It seems many contractors are not aware of TSSA governing the complete area of the Elevator Mechanical Room and what is installed within it.
WRT the ventilation of an elevator room, and fan associated ducting is installed, it must not have any part of it lower than 7ft from the floor.(seems the elevator guys must be getting taller each and every year).
If an A/C system is installed providing cooling to the elevator mechanical room (more so when the controls are all electronic) the power for the A/C system can not be tied into the elevator power supply service unless the tie in has been approved before the installation by TSSA or TAHJ.
Which in most cases in a local elevator inspector!
Having dealt with many local elevator inspectors in the past 7 yrs, I have found that many of the inspectors are NOT fully aware the TSSA is the governing body of the elevating act. (I work in both Ont, Sask, Alt and BC doing elevator room ventilation systems) and will reject out of hand an A/C install in "their" room when the a/c power is from the same source as the elevator room equipment.
This is more so evident, when the building is over 4 stories in height, and an emergency generator is required primarily for the elevator usage and the gen set is sized for both the elevator room, and ALL its primary and secondary equipment plus building emergency lighting.
I always ensure that I have a letter from the Electrical Design Engineering group that states the emergency generator is sized to provide power to service not only the elevator room equipment itself and emergency lighting but also the a/c equipment that provides cooling for the elevator room equipment, and this letter is sent to both the elevator company for their records, the building owner and also to the local building inspection(s) agency. I also ensure that a copy of this letter is posted in the Elevator Mechanical Room, by the main power disconnect so that when the elevator is inspected, the inspector is now aware of the factoid that the A/C equipment has been accounted for in the power requirements needed for the equipment room.
The Elevator Act as per TSSA has not been adopted for our French speaking Canadians in Quebec.