Why is like this Inside Attic having lot of Moisturization Water on Top of Insul

Started by tester22, December 27, 2023, 07:37:36 PM

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Hi guys, I am having problem in Attic,

1)--I mean Inside Attic having lot of Moisturization Water on Top of Insulation in Winter time, when I move Insulation all Dry in bottom, only Top of insulation this Moisturization Water is there.
Is there any body know from there this water is growing in Attic.
And there is no leak from the Roof also.

2)--This is Town House attach other House on both sides, and on Top Floor Room on both side Ceiling there is Fungus/Mold is growing in Winter time only, so we go inside Attic to look on both Corners, there is no Water at all, only the thing I notice that place is very Cold. And from inside I feel that both Left side & Right side Corners are very cold, because of that Fungus/Mold is growing on both Corners.

Please let know what solution I have to apply on Ceiling Dry Wall on both Corners, to not grow Fungus & Mold.



Sounds like a ventilation problem. You need to have good air flow through the soffit that can flow up to a high point out of a ridgecap vent, or other roof vents installed higher up... Provided nobody got lazy and vented a dryer exhaust, or bathroom exhaust directly into the attic space.